Beatriz Sarabia

MOOD reaching out to scientists and decision-makers involved in the COVID-19 national response of Finland

From 18 to 21 October, the MOOD team met for one week to discuss MOOD’s Disease-X outreach activities in Helsinki.
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Infectious diseases monitoring and pandemic prevention: highlights from the MOOD workshop

The MOOD workshop organized by the Edmund Mach Foundation in collaboration with Fondazione Bruno Kessler welcomed about two hundred researchers
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MOOD-Hack: Antimicrobial Resistance Hackathon

An overview of the first MOOD hackathon
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Insights from the MOOD Summer School and Hackathon 2022

What happened at the first MOOD Summer School and AMR Hackathon?Here are a few insights.
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MOOD Summer School 2022

To support the uptake of MOOD innovations, WP6 will implement a dynamic knowledge transfer and capacity building addressing young researchers
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Early insights from the MOOD participation at the Geneva Health Forum side-workshop

MOOD partners were involved in the organization of the workshop ‘Time to rethink the science-policy interface for evidence-based governance? From
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Time for a MOOD-Hack: Antimicrobial Resistance Hackathon

On June 22, 2022, participants of the MOOD Summer School will gather into multidisciplinary teams, which will be challenged to
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Mapping the risk of Avian Influenza in Europe

As part of the MOOD tools and services for the Epidemic Intelligence platform under construction, Dr Maria Vincenti Gonzalez from
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PADI-web: a health monitoring system to analyze the emergence and spread of animal diseases

Within the MOOD project, PADI-web has been developed as an EBS to monitor animal health using valuable information directly from
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