COVID-19 Emergency Response Portal

MOOD COVID-19 Activities

The EU Commission has asked the H2020 MOOD Project coordination to provide all possible assistance to surveillance efforts of the ongoing Coronavirus outbreaks its potential risk to Europe. Project partners have made the following datasets, documents and links to further information available to all.

Documents and publications

Maps of human mobility change during the COVID-19 outbreak derived from Google reports processed by ERGO
Visualizing COVID-19 mortality in Europe and its neighborhood – Renaud Lancelot, CIRAD, France
MOOD Spatial Data COVID-19 Covariate Archive – Covariate data collated by ERGO at request of the MOOD partners
Kraemer M.U.G, Sadilek A., Zhang Q., Marchal N.A., Tuli G., Cohn E.L., Hswen Y, Perkins T.A., Smith D.L., Reiner Jr R.C., Brownstein J.S. Mapping global variation in human mobilityNat Hum Behav (2020). DOI:
Rader B., Astley c.M., Sy K.T.L., Sewalk K., Hswen Y., Brownstein J.S., Kraemer M.U.G. Geographic access to United States SARS-CoV-2 testing sites highlights healthcare disparities and may bias transmission estimates. Journal of Travel Medicine, Published: 15 May 2020 DOI:
Pullano G., Valdano E., Scarpa N., Rubrichi S., Colizza V. Population mobility reductions during COVID-19 epidemic in France under lockdown
Kraemer M.U.G, Yang C.H., Gutierrez B., Wu C-H., Klein, Pigott D.M., Open COVID-19 Data Working Group, du Plessis L., Faria1 N.R., Li R., Hanage W.P., Brownstein J.S., Layan M., Vespignani A., Tian H., Dye1 C., Pybus O.G., Scarpino S.V. The effect of human mobility and control measures on the COVID-19 epidemic in China. Science 01 May 2020:Vol. 368, Issue 6490, pp. 493-497 DOI:
Oliver N., Lepri b,. Sterly H., Lambiotte R., Delataille S., De Nadai D., Letouzé E., Salah A.A., Benjamins R., Cattuto C., Colizza V., de Cordes N., Fraiberger S.P., Koebe T., Lehmann S., Murillo J., Pentland A., Pham P.N., Pivetta F., Saramäki J., Scarpino S.V., Tizzoni M., Verhulst S. and Vinck P. Mobile phone data for informing public health actions across the COVID-19 pandemic life cycle. Science Advances 27 Apr 2020:eabc0764 DOI:
Guzzetta G., Riccardo F., Marziano V., Poletti P., Trentini F., Bella A., Andrianou X., Del Manso M., Fabiani M., Bellino S., Boros S., Urdiales A.M., Vescio M.F., Piccioli A., COVID-19 working group, Brusaferro S., Rezza G., Pezzotti P., Ajelli M., Merler S. The impact of a nation-wide lockdown on COVID-19 transmissibility in Italy. Pre-print: arXiv:2004.12338 [q-bio.PE]
Zhang J., Litvinova M., Liang Y., Wang Y., Wang W., Zhao S., Wu Q., Merler S., Viboud C., Vespignani A., Ajelli M.,, Yu H. Changes in contact patterns shape the dynamics of the COVID-19 outbreak in China. Science 29 Apr 2020:eabb8001 DOI:
Zhang J., Litvinova M., Wang W., Wang Y., Deng X., Chen X., Li M., Zheng W., Yi L., Chen X, Wu Q., Liang Y., Wang X., Yang J., Sun K., Longini Jr I.M., Halloran ME., Wu P., Cowling B.J., Merler S., Viboud C., Vespignani A., Ajelli M., Yu H. Evolving epidemiology and transmission dynamics of coronavirus disease 2019 outside Hubei province, China: a descriptive and modelling study. Lancet Infect Dis 2020 Published Online April 2, 2020 DOI:
Guzzetta G., Poletti P., Ajelli A., Trentini F., Marziano V., Cereda D., Tirani M., Diurno G, Bodina A., Barone A., Crottogini L, Gramegna M, Melegaro A., Merler1 S., Potential short-term outcome of an uncontrolled COVID-19 epidemic in Lombardy, Italy, February to March 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(12):pii=2000293.
Kraemer M.U.G., Yang C-H., Gutierrez B., Wu C-H., Klein B., Pigott D.M., Open COVID-19 Data Working Group, du Plessis L., Faria1 N.R., Li R., Hanage W.P., Brownstein J.S., Layan M., Vespignani A., Tian H., Dye C., Pybus O.G., S.V. The effect of human mobility and control measures on the COVID-19 epidemic in China. DOI:
Tian H., Liu Y., Li Y., Wu C-H., Chen B., Kraemer M.U.G., Li B.,Cai J., Xu B., Yang Q., Wang B., Yang P., Cui Y., Song Y., Zheng1 P.,  Wang Q, V Bjornstad O.N., Yang R., GrenfellB.T., Pybus O.G., Dye C. An investigation of transmission control measures during the first 50 days of the COVID-19 epidemic in China. Science 08 May 2020: Vol. 368, Issue 6491, pp. 638-642 DOI: 10.1126/science.abb6105
Chinazzi M., Davis J.T, Ajelli M., Gioannini C., Litvinova M., Merler S., Pastore y Piontti A., Mu K, Rossi L., Sun K, Viboud C., Xiong X, Yu H., Halloran M.E., Longini Jr I.M., Vespignani A. (2020). The effect of travel restrictions on the spread of the 2019 novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak. Science.
Gilbert M., Pullano G., Pinotti F., Valdano E, Poletto C, Boelle P-Y., D’Ortenzio E., Yazdanpanah Y., Eholie S.P., Altmann M., Gutierrez B., Kraemer M.U.G., Colizza V. Preparedness and vulnerability of African countries against introductions of 2019-nCoV; doi:
Xu B., Gutierrez B., Mekaru S., Sewalk K., Goodwin L., Loskill A., Cohn E.L., Hswen T., Hill S.C., Cobo M.M., Zarebski A.E., Li S., Wu C-H., Hulland E., Morgan J.D., Wang L., O’BrienK., Scarpino S.V., Brownstein J.S., Pybus O.G., Pigott D.M., Kraemer M.U.G. Epidemiological data from the COVID-19 outbreak, real-time case information. Sci Data 7, 106 (2020). DOI:
Di Domenico L., Pullano G., Sabbatini C.E., Boëlle P-Y., Colizza V. Expected impact of school closure and telework to mitigate COVID-19 epidemic in France
Pullano G., Pinotti F., Valdano E., Boëlle P-Y., Poletto C., Colizza V.. Novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) early-stage importation risk to Europe, January 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(4):pii=2000057.
Di Domenico L., Pullano G., Sabbatini C.E., Boëlle P-Y., Colizza V. Expected impact of lockdown in Île-de-France and possible exit strategies doi:
Boëlle P-Y.,  Souty C., Launay T, Guerrisi C, Turbelin C., Behillil S., Enouf V., Poletto C., Lina B., van der Werf S., Lévy-Bruhl D., Colizza V., Hanslik T., Blanchon T. Excess cases of influenza-like illnesses synchronous with coronavirus disease (COVID-19) epidemic, France, March 2020. Euro Surveill. 2020;25(14):pii=2000326.
Xu B., Kraemer M.U.G. on behalf of theOpen COVID-19 Data Curation Group. Open access epidemiological data from the COVID-19 outbreak. Published:February 19, 2020. DOI:
Report 8: Expected impact of school closure and telework to mitigate COVID-19 epidemic in France
Report 6: Are people excessively pessimistic about the risk of coronavirus infection?
Report 5: Lessons learnt from 288 COVID-19 international cases: importations over time, effect of interventions, underdetection of imported cases
Report 4: Preparedness and vulnerability of African countries against introductions of 2019-nCoV
Report 3: 2019-nCoV importation risk to Europe  28/01/2020 (Data up to 27/01/2020), after the updates on the German case
Report 2: 2019-nCoV importation risk to Europe  26/01/2020 (Data up to 25/01/2020)
Report 1: 2019-nCoV importation risk to Europe  based on data up to 23/01/2020 at 11am
Epidemiological Data from the nCoV-2019 Outbreak: Early Descriptions from Publicly Available Data – Moritz Kramer
Preliminary risk analysis of 2019 novel Coronavirus spread within and beyond China Lai, Bogoch, Watts, Kahn, Li & Tatem.  (WorldPop)
Assessing spread risk of Wuhan novel coronavirus within and beyond China, January-April 2020: a travel network-based modelling study – WorldPop
Effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions for containing the COVID-19 outbreak – WorldPop
Effect of non-pharmaceutical interventions for containing the COVID-19 outbreak: an observational and modelling study – WorldPop

Data & Analysis

Location for summaries and analysis of data related to n-CoV 2019, first reported in Wuhan, China on GitHub.

Brief description: We have collected publicly available information on cases confirmed during the ongoing COVID-19 outbreak. Data were entered in a spreadsheet with each line representing a unique case, including age, sex, geographic information, history and time of travel where available. Sources were included as a reference for each entry. Data is openly available here: and was last updated, January 31, 2020.

This database is being updated regularly and epidemiological information about Wuhan will be included over the coming days. Data are compiled from openly available sources only. We have tried to ensure accuracy of data compilation, but cannot take responsibility for any unintentional errors that may have occurred. Please email us if you have any additional information that would be useful to be include, or any suggested edits. Those information may include updates on recorded cases, especially demographics, clinical outcome, and details on the clusters in Wuhan and Guangdong.

Description of the data and some initial results are posted through

For additional environmental modelling covariates for your research please visit our sister site you can contact us directly to request access to data.

MOOD Emergency Response Activities

In advance of the project Kick-0ff meeting here is a brief summary of what the MOOD partners are currently doing or propose to implement in collaboration with the Eurpoean Centre for Disease Control (ECDC) in emergency response to the current novel Coronavirus outbreak that originated in Wuhan province in China.

Related Links

Oxford COVID19 Government Response Tracker – Blavatnik School of Government
Google mobility reports – See how your community is moving around differently due to COVID-19
The European Commission – Many Member States have announced restrictions to transport – a full list of measures by country
Genomic epidemiology of novel coronavirus (nCoV) Built using
Tracing the Largest Seasonal Migration on Earth  Xianwen Wang et al.
The European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) has set up a dedicated webpage for 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) updates and risk assessments with a focus on Europe.
COVID-19 Open Research Dataset (CORD-19)  A Free, Open Resource for the Global Research Community (Allen Institute)
Open database of COVID-19 cases with chest X-ray or CT images.