Annapaola Rizzoli
- Position:Fondazione Edmund Mach - Italy - Director
WP2 Leader “Disease intelligence”
Annapaola Rizzoli is a DVM, PhD. Her major scientific interest and expertise is in the field of ecology, epidemiology and risk assessment of emerging zoonotic diseases driven by global changes. She worked in this field integrating her education in veterinary medicine with interdisciplinary courses and training in other disciplines, especially biology, ecology, epidemiology, spatial and mathematical modelling. She coordinated and carried out several research projects on the impact of global changes on vector borne and zoonotic diseases emergence at national and international level. Her research work was supported also by competitive research funds provided by the Autonomous Province of Trento (i.e. Laboratory of Excellence in epidemiology and Modelling; as well as international agencies, as ECDC, or the European Commission ( i.e. FP6 EDEN as participant; FP7 EDENext as WP leader; FP7 Eurowestnile Scientific coordinator; H2020 Zikalliance: as participant). She was recently awarded by the Italian National Scientific Qualification (“Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale”) as Full Professor for the discipline 07/H3 Animal infectious and parasitic diseases. She is Assistant Editor of the International Journal of Parasitology, Parasites and Wildlife other than member of international scientific society such as the Wildlife Diseases Association (WDA USA) and EcoHealth (International Association for Ecology and Health,USA). She is now the confirmed Director of the Research and Innovation Centre of the Edmund Mach Foundation