Timothée Dub
- Position:National Institute for Health and Welfare, THL, Finland
- E-Mail:timothee.dub@thl.fi
Timothee Dub is a senior expert in the department of Health security of the Finnish institute for Health and Welfare (THL). Dr Dub is a public health medical doctor trained in epidemiology and a graduate from the European Programme for Intervention Epidemiology Training (EPIET, cohort 2017). His activities mainly focus on vector-borne, emerging infectious and vaccine preventable diseases, as well as outbreaks investigations. Dr Dub is also working on a project that aims to estimate and predict risks of vector-borne disease emergence and/or spread in relation to climate change in Finland and strongly involved in public health training and capacity building through local supervision of junior epidemiologists and participation to numerous teaching activities. Additionally, Timothee Dub is a board member of the EAN (EPIET/EUPHEM Alumni Network) an association aiming to be a resource for European and global Public Health by providing training, sharing expertise and maintaining strong ties between field epidemiologists and public Health microbiologists.